Saturday, March 17, 2007

Blog Update

First of all, I had to incude a picture of Tim (oldest with the cat) and Oskar (with the umbrella). They are my 'roomies' but are very sweet, as you can see, like posing sweet for the camera!

The next piccie is another roomie, a native praying mantis that I spotted climbing up the lamp shade. Isnt it lovely?! There is also a South African species that was introduced in 1978, although I am not sure if it was legally introduced or not. NZ has very strict biosecurity. You can't enter the country if you have anything that looks like mud on your shoe, and don't ever say you live on a farm (actually if you do you should......). I also decided to include a picture of a cicada. They are little noise creatures that make 'jungle' sounds all day, harmless really, it makes me feel like I'm on a tropical island! They are quite pretty as far as bugs go. But then I do like insects. I'm going to find myself a NZ fauna book sometime and get looking into whats over here, its fascinating knowing there are so many different things out here.

I was also told a story about why there are so many British birds here but I dont know if its true or not (perhaps Louise Hussey might know????). Apparently some Shakespeare lover decided that all the birds ever mentioned in his writings should be introduced into New Zealand and thats how they all got here. It would sort of explain why I've spotted so many British birds, I dont think somehow that they could migrate all the way here, and seeing as NZ used to be part of the Antartic, there doesnt seem to be any other explaination, but if someone knows I'd like to know please!!!
Well that just about ends my little update, will keep you informed after my field trip this weekend coming, hopefully it will be nice weather!!!

1 comment:

Zarin and Lightfoot said...

How are they your roomies? They look adorable. Cant say the same about the insects.

Nice to see you've made some friends your own age (at least mentally)....
