Monday, November 20, 2006

Sapporo Teppenyaki

The Most Amazing Japanese Restaurant! My brother Paul and his girlfriend Laura recommended that I check this place out, and being intruiged by his description organised a last minute visit - last minute because I booked a table 2 days before and was lucky to get it! But it was worth it. Went with Hugh, Helen, Leanne, Ruth, Me (of course), Simon, David and Betsy (in order of seating by the way). It was a very fun night, made even more spectacular by the personal entertainment including eggs, tomato ketchup, knives and things all over the show.

Oh and BIG FLAMES (see video) that were hot enough to singe eye brows (dont know if thats spelt correctly). And of course Leanne and I carried on the Sake tradition, which was, erm to drinks lots of it.

The others were good too and drank wine which is sort of the same thing but colder. After our night out we tried to get into Matt and Phreds jazz club but failed miserably although eavesdropping on the ex fighting with eithr Matt or Fred was entertaining but eventually got bored and went into Centro for a last minute drink. All in all a good night in Manchester.

Christmas In Manchester

Just a few piccies and a shitty video from my camera phone of the Christmas lights switch on in Albert Square. Lovely fireworks with music from ABBA (well Mamma Mia are touring here at the mo') and a few celebs to warm up the crowd.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Its Almost Christmas!

Frosty this morning, its definately colder and suddenly all the trees are losing their leaves, its winter! OMG its come about so fast but its also lovely to experience the seasons. Since I got back from New Zealand my life has been chaotic for a number of reasons. I have to deal with my psychopathic ex and his psycho mother, and they are not very helpful. In fact, all I want for Christmas is to sell my stupid house. And maybe a bit of karma to come my way. Actually speaking of karma, Leanne and I went to this crazy yoga/meditation class this week. It was like travelling back in time to the 70's. Serious 'dude' wearing robes (see picture) and chanting some mantra and singing. I felt like I was being brainwashed. Lets just say their idea of meditation was not the same as mine. Still I still stand by the 'trying out stuff even if its weird'. So there you go. I am an official yogic medititive being that is joined to the infinate loving conciousness. Now please take me to the pub for some medication, sorry meditation.

Hope to tell you guys some good news soon, but at the moment I have to keep quiet because its all top secret!

Nettles xx

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

September 2006


I'm counting down the days to a well needed holiday, just the sort of thing to sort you out after a ridiculous break up with a psychopath and all the things that come with dealing with someone who has lost all integrity. Still Jenny and I have been busy sort of planning our mini-adventure, and hopefully we are ready for our intrepid journey to that little island on the other side of the world. Will keep you all posted as and when we arrive, hopefully I will be able to download some pictures and update as and when. WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!

You can view my New Zealand adventure as it happens on:

See You Soon!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Just came back from a lovely and long weekend in Oxford and went camping in the Chilterns with Simon, Jenny and Rik. We had a lovely time playing games, sitting by the fire, listening to the donkey (that we later found out was a bull), and enjoying the countryside. We were very lucky that it didn't piss it down, it tried to but failed...we also found some mushrooms (the legal edible sort) and cooked them when we got home. They were lovely.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

First Posting - Woo Hoo!

Hello folks!

Welcome to Netty's blog. I hope you are well and that unlike me you haven't eaten too much ice-cream and feel sick. Its raining at the moment, the evening has darkened and its starting to feel like autumn. Soon I will be packing my bags and setting off to New Zealand! I am SOOOO excited. So this is just a tester and a quick HELLO to all you folks out there. Remember:

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.