Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello from Wellington!!

Kia Ora everyone!

Finally made it to Wellington after missing my connecting flight from Auckland. I think that they expect you to be super-athletes and run to the domestic terminal with all your bags (you have to re-check them all in) and make it in the record time of one hour (after spending most of it in the queue for customs). Customs, ah after arguing with the customs guy about global warming, he gave me the wrong stamp in my passport i.e. 6 months tourist instead of 3 years student. GREAT! good job I noticed though.....

Now at the university, not collapsed in a big heap yet, but after almost a day of travelling, well actually being stuck in a tiny seat wondering whether I am about to be the next DVT victim, I'm feeling OK. maybe it was the coffee or something.

Weather good. Cloudy but warm. Sez and Hels - wearing my new top! yeah!

Will keep you posted when something more exciting happens!



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